Sunday, November 7, 2010

The 1st salvo

Its my first time to blog. 

I have been resisting the urge for the longest time, and while the INTERNET is really intriguing and the "place to be," I have tried hard to remain anonymous and simply be content with watching the world from a silent standpoint.

I know sooner that I would not be able to resist the temp of today's technology and the breakout of social networking, especially now that Facebook has more than 500 MILLION members and that even my 5 year old niece has her own Twitter account. 

But I am still wary, and the cynic in me cannot get over that feeling that there is something wrong with opening too much of one's self in cyberspace.

Yet it is also not right to be left behind, especially when you really want to rant and rave over an issue of significance, or when you want to feel that you are part of something big. Or you simply want to share your life and feel the lives of others , its drift, its direction, its meaning, and its sense. 

I guess it's really inevitable, given the human spirit and the natural tendency to belong.

Be that as it may, I am here . . . and I intend to join in the absurdity and craziness of the world wide web, whether you like it or not.

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